If you have never seen a chiropractor before, we want you to be comfortable with your first visit to us. We will have some paperwork for you to fill out before seeing the doctor in order to get your health history and an understanding of your current symptoms. Once you see the doctor, he will complete a thorough examination, make a diagnosis, and discuss a Chiropractic treatment plan with you.
If applicable, please bring with you any copies of previous tests (for example, MRI or X-ray reports), as well as a list of any medications you are taking, including over-the-counter medications, nutritional supplements, vitamins, herbs, teas, and homeopathic and/or naturopathic substances.
The majority of all insured American workers have coverage for chiropractic services in their health care plans.
We are a Top Tier In-Network Provider* for the following insurance companies:
Blue Cross Blue Shield
First Health
Humana Medicare
Preferred One
Select Care
United HealthCare
Most Insurance Is Accepted - Cash Patients Welcome.
Please bring your insurance card with you at your first visit.
We Accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover Card, Cash and Checks.
*An In-Network Provider is a group of physicians, hospitals, and other medical facilities that agree to provide health care at discounted fees. Out-of-Network Providers are physicians, hospitals, and other medical facilities that do not participate within a plan's contracted network and do not provide health care at discounted fees. Insurance plans typically consider charges for out-of-network providers at a higher co-insurance leval than for in-network providers, which usually means a higher out of pocket cost to patients. In addition, In-Network providers are subject to quality audits to ensure patient care falls under network guidelines, since this is required by their contract.
Q: Does chiropractic treatment require a referral from an MD?
A: No, a patient does not need referral by an MD before visiting a doctor of chiropractic. Chiropractors are first contact physicians, and are so defined in federal and state regulations. Following a consultation and examination, the doctor of chiropractic will arrive at a diagnosis under chiropractic care, or refer the patient to the appropriate health care provider.
Q: Is Chiropractic Effective?
A: Multiple Studies have shown that Chiropractic is an effective way to treat many types of symptoms. In a study by the British Medical Journal, Korthals-de Bos et al. (2003), a randomized controlled trial was performed of 183 patients with neck pain. These patients were randomly allocated to manual therapy (spinal mobilization - chiropractic), physiotherapy (mainly exercise - physical therapy) or general practitioner care (counseling, education and drugs - medical doctor) during the 52-week study. The clinical outcome measures showed that manual therapy (chiropractic) resulted in faster recovery than physiotherapy and general practitioner care. Moreover, the total costs of the manual therapy-treated patients were about one-third of the costs of physiotherapy or general practitioner care.
Q: Is chiropractic treatment appropriate for children and the elderly?
A: Yes, both children and seniors both can benefit from chiropractic care. Children are very physically active and as a result can injure themselves. Seniors may not move enough and may overexert themselves in the activities of daily living. In either case, these injuries may cause many symptoms including back and neck pain, stiffness, soreness or discomfort. Since Chiropractic care is a highly skilled treatment, and adapted to the individual patient, it can be made very gentle to suit the patient's needs.
Q: Is Chiropractic Treatment popular?
A: “Chiropractic is the largest, most regulated, and best recognized of the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) professions. CAM patient surveys show that chiropractors are used more often than any other alternative provider group and patient satisfaction with chiropractic care is very high. There is steadily increasing patient use of chiropractic in the United States, which has tripled in the past two decades.”
– Annals of Internal Medicine, Meeker and Haldeman (2002)
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